Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Fuengirola, A very short leg of around 12nm,
which, sadly, was to be the drop off point for
Lorna, back to blighty via Malaga,,,,
Still hopefully its been a great couple of weeks,
seeing all from Albuferia with the 'Sanders gang'
and Kersten and Millsy, through Gibraltar and
on into the Med, with some great,
interesting ports inbetween.
Fuengirola being one,
from a sleepy looking town a fine
cultural spread appeared with
everything from typical
English bars to the beautiful
traditional Spanish style.
The port itself was lined by classy restaurants adding to the ambience, how very pleasant, basking in the warm Mediteranean sunshine just put the top hat on it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for a great time in Palma, it was the best fun I've had in ages (don't get out much!)The sailing was also really good. We managed to find that little bay that we saw from the boat. It was really pretty and the water was crystal clear, but spotted a few little pink jelly fish, so didn't stay in for long! Pam x
